The First Apostle’s Unlikely Witness
Mary Magdalene was a recipient of grace with a story to proclaim.

Glad Tidings Come in Times of Terror
The nativity story is the advent of God’s love to a fear-filled world.

“Run, Mama, Run!”
Colossians 3:23 – “Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters, since you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you serve the Lord Christ.”

Paul’s Most Beloved Letter was Entrusted to a Woman
(with Amy Beverage Peeler) Meet Phoebe, the First Interpreter of Romans.

An Unsung Inspiration for the Protestant Reformation: the Ethiopian Church
For the Reformers, renewing the church was a Pentecost moment tied to the global body of Christ.

The Clergy behind Science as We Know It
Enlightenment-era Pastors Didn’t Oppose Modern Science. They Helped Advance It.

Martin Luther: Pastors, Printers, and the Priesthood of Believers
In “9 Time-Tested Mantras for Ministry,” Christianity Today Pastors, special issue.

The First Christian
(with Amy Beverage Peeler) Cover Story. Mary’s preeminent example as a Christ follower neither began nor ended at Christmas.

No Simple Story
How Women’s Roles Changed in the Sixteenth Century. Served as expert consultant for the issue highlighting “Women of the Reformation: Lesser-Known Stories.”

Division is Not Always a Scandal
What to think of the 45,000 denominations that rose from the Reformation.

Think You Had a Bad Day?
10 things to remember from church history when you’re discouraged in ministry.