Academic Speaking
Dr. Jennifer Powell McNutt is a distinguished scholar and speaker, who presents from her expertise in the theology, Bible, and church history of the Reformation to both academic and ecclesiastical audiences by invitation. In 2025, Dr. McNutt is slated to deliver special lectures at Calvin University, John Brown University, the University of Geneva, the University of Zurich, and the University of Notre Dame. Recent special lectures have included the following:
Healthy Dialogue Series, Calvin University (2025)
Women's History Month Lecture, Trinity Christian College (2023)
H. Henry Meeter Center Summer Series Lectures, Calvin University (2023)
The Annual Lecture in Reformation History and Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (2022)
Dunham Bible Museum Distinguished Lecture, Houston Christian University (2022)
The Scripture and Ministry Lecture, Carl F. H. Henry Center for Theological Understanding (2020)
She has also spoken at numerous other venues including chapel at Biola University (2022), as a conference plenary speaker at the Los Angeles Theology Conference (2023), as a conference plenary speaker at the Center for Pastor Theologians Conference (2023), and for the Chesterton House at Cornell University (2020). She has delivered guest lectures for graduate-level courses including at Beeson Divinity School, Richmont Graduate University, the Wittenberg Center for Reformation Studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, and Stanford University. Dr. McNutt regularly delivers papers at conferences including the Sixteenth Century Studies Society conference and the Evangelical Theological Society conference. She is past-President of the Calvin Studies Society and ran the conference hosted at Wheaton College.
Pastoral Speaking
The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Powell McNutt is an ordained Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian tradition and committed to serving the church through adult education, preaching, worship assistance, and administration of sacraments. She accepts invitations for guest preaching, teaching, and retreat speaker. She is committed to equipping the next generation of Christian leaders, finding joy and privilege in speaking at chapel services, convocations, and campus ministries for both undergraduate and graduate students. Together with her husband, she co-founded the co-ministry, McNuttshell Ministries, that bridges the gap between academia and the church by offers a unique blend of theological content and pastoral edification. Recent and forthcoming ministry opportunities have included the following: Women's Conference Keynote at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Lubbock, Texas and preaching Sunday morning (2024); serving as Campus Pastor at HoneyRock Camp in the Northwoods of Wisconsin (2025) for staff; Women's Retreat Speaker at The Cathedral Church of the Advent in Birmingham, Alabama (2025). Consider inviting Rev. Dr. McNutt to enrich the life, ministry, and faith of your church community and group today!
Dr. Jennifer Powell McNutt has been featured on a number of podcasts, where she explores her latest books, expertise, and journey as a professor and pastor.
Invite Dr. McNutt!
Dr. Jennifer Powell McNutt has been serving in the academy and the church for close to two decades. She is available to give lectures at your institution and meet with students. She regularly speaks at colleges, universities, seminaries, and conferences. She presents on topics pertaining to the history of the Reformation, the Bible, women in church history, and John Calvin as well as her new book on Mary Magdalene.
Rev. Dr. McNutt accepts invitations for preaching at churches, teaching adult education classes, or leading women's retreats. Her speaking and teaching in the church engages with Scripture, theology, church history, and contemporary culture for the purpose of edifying Christians, enriching minds, and inspiring faithful following of Jesus Christ.
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